Craving for rice and spicy food in Zurich
by admin • September 4, 2012 • - Europe / Scandinavia, Travel + Places • 0 Comments
This doesn’t usually happen to me – to be craving for rice and something spicy when I’m enjoying all the delicious food Zurich has to offer. Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s stress or maybe I was just home sick. For some reason, I wanted rice and spicy food. Thankfully a colleague brought me to Yumi Hana, a Korean restaurant, on one of our work trips to Zurich.
A bowl of hot, spicy kimchi soup keeps me warm, especially in the cool weather that tend to coincide with my occasional trip here.
When I’m craving for spicy food or rice after days of non-Asian fare, Yumi Hana is a comforting choice.
This little restaurant is just off the main street of Bahnhofstrasse. Turn into Schutzengasse when you see Kauffmann butcher/deli. Yumi Hana is just a few steps away from Kauffmann.
Yumi Hana, Schutzengasse 7, Zurich 8001, Switzerland. Tel: +41(0)44 2115757
Update: Yumi Hana is no longer operating in this premise.